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Release Notes

Welcome to Certegy dev docs. Here you will find the Release Notes for product(s) updates, new features, and bug fixes.

   New Feature                  General Enhancement                  Bug Fix

September 8, 2022

What changed?

   We have made code changes in BankPay to accommodate new client-facing messages when attempting to cancel a credit via the Admin Dashboard
What’s important about this change?
–   Here are the new messages:

  • Successfully cancelled: “The previously authorized transaction has been recalled and successfully voided from Certegy’s system.”
  • Too late to cancel: “The transaction has already been processed through the ACH network. It can no longer be voided.”
  • Duplicate credit cancel: “Cancel Failed”
  •    We have made code changes in BankPay and BNPL to accommodate Certegy Admins to restrict the enrollment method (manual or online) by client used for BankPay and/or BNPL Transaction Intents.
    What’s important about this change?
    –   If enabled by Certegy, Clients will need to code to a new ‘bank account list’ endpoint that will return a list of previously enrolled bank accounts that match the entry method allowed for the client.
    –   When the client calls this new endpoint, they would only receive those bank accounts that match the client setting.
    –   Here are the new possible error messages:

  • If the client does not call the endpoint to get the list of eligible bank accounts and the Admin Dashboard has restrictions and the consumer selects an account that conflicts with what is allowed via the client settings, the client will receive a “Bank Account Conflict’ Error with the following message, “Consumer’s bank account needs to be enrolled via allowed path.”
  • If the call to the new endpoint returns ‘no data’ (meaning no accounts qualify based on the client setting in the dashboard), the client will also receive the message, “Consumer’s bank account needs to be enrolled via allowed path.”
  • If the call to the new endpoint returns ‘not found’ this means the “Consumer ID was not found”.
  • How do I learn more?
    –   API/Bank-Accounts:     bankpay/api/bank-accounts
    –   API/Transactions:     bankpay/api/transactions

       We have made code changes in BankPay and BNPL to send the consumer’s bank name in the Enrollment Response.
    What’s important about this change?
    –   This will allow clients to see the consumer’s enrolled bank name
    How do I learn more?
    –   Response Payload sample:
    “data”: {
    “account_number”: “*****xx77”,
    “account_type”: “checking”,
    “bank_name”: “Bank of America”,
    “check_number”: null,
    “check_type”: “personal”,
    “consumer_id”: “55972510-904d-4698-af97-971f31f95344”,
    “credentialing_indicator”: “online”,
    “denied_at”: null,
    “enrollment_response_code”: “21”,
    “id”: “7cd0710b-5399-446e-8fef-5d3c5a43c3bd”,
    “micr_type”: “tac”,
    “reference_number”: “5926440000514”,
    “routing_number”: “021000018”

    –   API/Enrollments:     bankpay/api/enrollments


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