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  4. Request For Check Cashing and Deposit

Request For Check Cashing and Deposit

Check Cashing and Deposit for Payroll and Government Checks

Field ParameterValueRequiredField Values or Constraints
merchantID123456REQUIRED6 / 6 All Numeric, 0-9 (no special characters or alpha allowed)
trxIDAA-bb-1234567890REQUIREDMinimum 4 and a maximum 20 characters - Alphanumeric and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 - (dash)) This is generated by the requestor and not repeatable for other post request.
ssn999999999REQUIRED999999999 Nine Digit Numeric
membershipID6$1#2@3.4_5-AA-bbOPTIONAL1 / 30 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z, A-Z 0-9 - (dash) $#@._ )
phoneNumber7275551212OPTIONAL10 digits/Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
firstName firstnameOPTIONAL2 / 25 - 25 digits - Alphanumeric characters, "-", ".", ",", and spaces only
lastName lastnameREQUIRED2 / 25 - 25 digits - Alphanumeric characters, "-", ".", ",", and spaces only
addressOPTIONALObject US only - *Canadian Addresses not allowed
address1 Testing AddressOPTIONAL2 / 50 - Alphanumeric characters, "-", ".", ",", "&"," " ' ", and spaces only
address2Address Line 2OPTIONAL2 / 50 - Alphanumeric characters, "-", ".", ",", "&"," " ' ", and spaces only
cityNew York CityOPTIONAL30 Max - 30 char's: Alphanumeric characters, "-", ".", ",", " " ' ", and spaces only
stateFLOPTIONAL2 / 2 Alpha characters only
zip code12345OPTIONAL5 or 9 Numeric characters only
idCode FLREQUIRED2 / 2 See State Code List
idValue 123458REQUIREDAlphanumeric and Asterisks (*) Only. Dashes or spaces, if entered, will be stripped out. Max Length - 24 Alphabetic characters. This variable-size field contains the Driver's License number for manual entry methods. Asterisks are acceptable characters. However, other special characters such as dashes and spaces appearing on the face of the license should not be manually entered or transmitted.
integratorIDxYzAbC123REQUIRED4 / 30 Alphanumeric, space and dash
operatorIDxxx123OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9 $#@._ Add (-) Dash
terminalIDTerminal321OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9 $#@._ Add (-) Dash
terminalGrpIDgrp321OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9 $#@._ Add (-) Dash
netAmount19.55REQUIREDNo Min/(Max) 9999999.99 Numeric only - No commas. If the decimal point is omitted, the amount is considered to be in whole dollars. If the decimal point is omitted, the amount is considered to be in whole dollars.
micrData TOAD MICR REQUIRED75 Alphanumeric and spaces only. Upper and lower Case letters allowed. For detail on TOAD MICR formats
	"merchantID": "123456",
	"trxID": "AA-bb-1234567890",
	"dob": "1958-03-12",
	"ssn": "999999999",
	"membershipID": "61#2@3.4_5-AA-bb",
	"phoneNumber": "7275551212",
	"name": {
		"firstName": "Johnny",
		"lastName": "Rocket"
	"address": {
		"address1": "7512 Parkway Road",
		"address2": "suite 7512 xxxxx",
		"city": "Marietta",
		"state": "GA",
		"zip": "30006"
	"id": {
		"idCode": "GA",
		"idValue": "123458",
	"integratorIDt": "xYzAbC123",
	"operatorIDt": "xxx123",
	"terminalID": "Terminal321",
	"terminalGrpID": "grp321",
	"netAmount": "19.95",
	"account": {
		"micrData": "t123456789t o45632145o 123",

Approval Response for Check Cashing and Deposit

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxIDAA-bb-1234567890This is the same ID from your post request 4 / 20 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 - (dash))
trxRefID 727555121215 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
approvalNum1234566 digit approval number
aba9 digit returned bank number
accountLast41234Last 4 digits of the account number from the check
checkTypeY=Company or G=Government check type
checkNumMax of 15 bytes numeric
	"trxID": "AA-bb-1234567890",
	"trxRefID": "5050000000008",
	"approvalNum": "123456",
	"aba": "123456789",
	"accountLast4": "1234",
	"checkType": "Y"
	or "G",
	"checkNum": "45685",

Check Cashing and Deposit – Decline or Correction Response – HTTPS 400 and HTTPS 500

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
errorPath /check/payrollMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorMessage Invalid Identification NumberMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDetails  Certegy could not approve the enrollment.Max 260 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorType id_errorMax 20 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate  06-25-2020 03:18:19DATE/TIME
trxID  AA-bb-12345678904 / 20 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z, A-Z 0-9 - (dash))
trxRefID  727555121215 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
adverseAction falseboolean true /false
customerCare10 digits and two dash
	"errors": [{
		"errorPath": "/check/payroll",
		"errorMessage": "Invalid or Inactive Setup Client Account Information",
		"errorDetails": "The client's account information does not exist or has been deactivated in Certegy's system. Re-attempt the transaction. If the issue persists, contact Certegy Client Relations at 800-237-7506",
		"errorType": "declined",
		"errorDate": "2020-04-10T16:54:30.832Z",
		"trxID": "9000111",
		"trxRefID": "9000111",
		"responseCode": "0203",
		"adverseAction": "true",
		"customerCare": "800-555-1212"

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