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  4. Delayed Settlement Availability

Delayed Settlement Availability

The Delayed Settlement Availability endpoint where the consumerToken is passed in the URL and the only parameter is the trxID is supplied in the response to the Get Delayed Settlement Availability. If the consumer is not enrolled, then an Enrollment transaction should be submitted before calling out to see the delayed settlement availability.

Field ParameterValueRequired or OptionalField Values or Constraints
consumerToken1b597b33-a0e7-11ea-9630-ef55d2cd0f41REQUIREDMax 60 Alphanumeric and dash
trxID123456REQUIRED4 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
kioskTransactionIndicatorYREQUIRED1 Alpha - ( This is optional)
If Y= Kiosk
If N or Blank = Cage{{consumerToken}}&trxID={{trxID}

Delayed Settlement Availability Success – HTTPS 200

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
delayedSettlement"interval" : 1, "days": 7, "amount" : 250.00
"interval" : 2, "days": 14, "amount" : 220.00
"interval" : 3, "days": 21, "amount" : 200.00
"interval" : 4, "days": 28, "amount" : 150.00
Object containing number of days and their associated values
	"trxID": "123456",
	"trxRefID": "5604490000014",
	"delayedSettlement": {
					{ "interval" : 1, "days": 7, "amount" : 250.00 } 
					{ "interval" : 2, "days": 14, "amount" : 220.00 }
					{ "interval" : 3, "days": 21, "amount" : 200.00 }
					{ "interval" : 4, "days": 28, "amount" : 150.00 }

Delayed Settlement Availability Failed – HTTPS 400 and HTTPS 500

Field ParameterValue Field Values or Constraints
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
errorPath/customer/limit/3a9ffb95-f73e-11ee-a2c3-235b33c05a3fMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorMessageDS eligibility Information not foundMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorTypesystem_errorMax 20 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate 04-10-2024 02:53:10DATE/TIME
adverseActionFalse(boolean) true/false (lowercase only)
	"trxID": "123456",
	"trxRefID": "5604490000014",
		"errors": [{
					"errorPath": "/customer/limit/3a9ffb95-f73e-11ee-a2c3-235b33c05a3f",
					"errorMessage": "DS eligibility Information not found", 
					"errorType": "system_error", 
					"errorDate": "04-10-2024 02:53:10",
					"adverseAction": "false",

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