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  3. CashLine eCheck
  4. Enroll Into CashLine

Enroll Into CashLine

Enrollment cannot proceed without the consumer agreeing to the Terms and Conditions

Enrollment Fields and Conditional Values

US Only – *Canadian Addresses not permitted

Field ParameterValueRequired or OptionalField Values or Constraints
trxID123456REQUIRED4 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
membershipID 6$1#2@3.4_5-AA-bbOPTIONAL1 / 30 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - (dash) $#@._ )
operatorID  xxx123OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - (dash) $#@._ )
terminalID  Terminal321OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - (dash) $#@._ )
terminalGrpID  grp321OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - (dash) $#@._ )
termsAcceptedInd Y=yesREQUIRED1 byte Terms and Condition must provided to the consumer if the consumer does not agree or is not provided the Terms and Conditions Enrollment can not proceed.
firstNamefirstnameREQUIREDFirst name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
lastName   lastnameREQUIREDFirst name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
ssn999999999OPTIONAL9 digits/Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
phoneNumber  1234567890REQUIRED10 digits/Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
emailAddress  iam@home.comOPTIONAL50 All Allowed. (All emails must be unique and cannot be shared with another consumer)
address1 12355 Rose BlvdREQUIREDStreet number and street name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
single quotation mark ( ' )
ampersand ( & )
hyphen ( - )
dot ( . )
comma ( , )
hash symbol (#)
forward slash ( / )
parenthesis ( () )
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 50
address2 suite 3OPTIONALAdditional addressing components.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
single quotation mark ( ' )
ampersand ( & )
hyphen ( - )
dot ( . )
comma ( , )
hash symbol (#)
forward slash ( / )
parenthesis ( () )
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 50
citySt PeteREQUIREDCity.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
single quotation mark ( ' )
hyphen ( - )
dot ( . )
comma ( , )
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 30
stateFLREQUIRED2 / 2 Alpha only
zip12345REQUIRED5 or 9 Numeric only
accountNicknameWells FargoREQUIRED1/30 Alphanumeric and spl chars except \ and "
micrDataREQUIRED 1 / 75 Alphanumeric and spaces only. lower Case letters See TOAD
idCodeFLREQUIRED2 / 2 See State Code List
idValue   123458 REQUIREDAlphanumeric and Asterisks (*) Only. Dashes or spaces, if entered, will be stripped out. Max Length - 24 Alphabetic characters. This variable-size field contains the Driver's License number for manual entry methods. Asterisks are acceptable characters. However, other special characters such as dashes and spaces appearing on the face of the license should not be manually entered or transmitted.

	"trxID": "123456",
	"membershipID": "61#2@34_5-AA-bb",
	"operatorID": "xxx123",
	"terminalID": "Terminal321",
	"terminalGrpID": "grp321",
	"termsAcceptedInd": "Y",
	"name": {
		"firstName": "Johnny",
		"lastName": "Rocket"
	"dob": "yyyy-mm-dd",
	"ssn": "999999999",
	"phoneNumber": "1234567890",
	"emailAddress": "",
	"address": {
		"address1": "12355 Rose Blvd",
		"address2": "suite 3",
		"city": "St Pete",
		"state": "FL",
		"zip": "12345"
	"account": {
		"accountNickname": "Wells Fargo",
		"micrData": "t123456789t o1234o 123"
	"id": {
		"idCode": "FL",
		"idValue": "123458"

Successful Enrollment

The successful enrollment response provides the consumerToken, idToken and accountToken; these three values are required to be able to make an ACH (debit) authorization request to the consumer’s checking account that is enrolled in CashLine.

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
1b597b33-a0e7-11ea-9630-ef55d2cd0f41Max 60 Alphanumeric and dash
termsAcceptedIndY=yes1 Byte Y=Yes Consumer must accept the Terms and Conditions
activeInd Y=Yes or N=No1 Byte Y=Yes or N=No
firstName firstnameFirst name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
lastName  lastnameLast name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
address112355 Rose BlvdStreet number and street name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
single quotation mark ( ' )
ampersand ( & )
hyphen ( - )
dot ( . )
comma ( , )
hash symbol (#)
forward slash ( / )
parenthesis ( () )
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 50
address2 suite 3Additional addressing components.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
single quotation mark ( ' )
ampersand ( & )
hyphen ( - )
dot ( . )
comma ( , )
hash symbol (#)
forward slash ( / )
parenthesis ( () )
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 50
citySt PeteCity.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
single quotation mark ( ' )
hyphen ( - )
dot ( . )
comma ( , )
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 30
stateFL2 / 2 Alpha only
zip123455 or 9 Numeric only
cashLineLimit 150No Min/(Max) 9999999.99 Numeric only - No commas. If the decimal point is omitted, the amount is considered to be in whole dollars.
cashLineAvailable150No Min/(Max) 9999999.99 Numeric only - No commas. If the decimal point is omitted, the amount is considered to be in whole dollars.
idCode FL2 / 2 See State Code List
1b8211d5-a0e7-11ea-9630-73b018443428Max 60 Alphanumeric and dash
idPrimaryInd Y1 byte
accountNicknameWells FargoMax 30 Alphanumeric and spl chars except \ and "
1b68bd74-a0e7-11ea-9630-9750481e0769Max 60 Alphanumeric and dash
accountLast4 12344 / 4 All numeric
accountLastUsed false(boolean) true/false (lowercase only)
SSNPresent false(boolean) true/false (lowercase only)
phoneMasked 78904 digits Numeric only
emailAddress iam@home.com50 All Allowed. (All emails must be unique and cannot be shared with another consumer)

	"trxRefID": "5604490000014",
        "trxID": "123456", 
	"consumerToken": "1b597b33-a0e7-11ea-9630-ef55d2cd0f41",
	"termsAcceptedInd": "Y",
	"activeInd": "Y",
	"name": {
		"firstName": "Johnny",
		"lastName": "Rocket"
	"address": {
		"address1": "12355 Rose Blvd",
		"address2": "suite 3",
		"city": "St Pete",
		"state": "FL",
		"zip": "12345"
	"limit": {
		"cashLineLimit": "150",
		"cashLineAvailable": "150"
	"ids": [{
		"idCode": "FL",
		"idToken": "1b8211d5-a0e7-11ea-9630-73b018443428",
		"idPrimaryInd": "Y"
	"accounts": [{
		"accountNickname": " Wells Fargo",
		"accountToken": " 1b68bd74-a0e7-11ea-9630-9750481e0769",
		"accountLast4": " 1234",
		"accountLastUsed": "false"
	"SSNPresent": "false",
	"phoneMasked": "7890",
	"emailAddress": ""

Response Decline/Error for Enrollment – HTTPS 400 and HTTPS 500

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
errorPath /customerMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
Declined (Customer Already Enrolled)Max 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
Our records indicate this Driver's License or Social Security Number is already enrolled in CashLine or the account is inactive. Validate the consumer's information is correct and try again. Please call Customer Care at 833-293-3131.Max 260 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorType declinedMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate   06-25-2020 03:18:19DATE/TIME
responseCode 0399Min/Max 4 bytes 0-9
adverseAction false(boolean) true/false (lowercase only)
stationNum 1065025600Min/Max 10 bytes - 10 digits Numeric only

	"errors": [{
		"trxRefID": "5604490000014",
		"trxID": "123456",
		"errorPath": "/customer",
		"errorMessage": "Declined (Customer Already Enrolled)",
		"errorDetails": "Our records indicate this Driver's License or Social Security Number is already enrolled in CashLine or the account is inactive. Validate the consumer's information is correct and try again. Please call Customer Care at 833-293-3131.",
		"errorType": "declined",
		"errorDate": "06-25-2020 03:18:19",
		"responseCode": "0399",
		"adverseAction": "false",
		"stationNum": "1065025600"

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