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  4. Sale Acknowledgement

Sale Acknowledgement

Retail Acknowledgement

With the approved transaction HTTPS 200, Approval Receipt consumer approval receipt should print or would be clearly displayed on pin pad with Service Charge(RegE) fee, and would be signed by the consumer presenting the check.

The acknowledgement transaction is the confirmation the the consumer approves to have the check electronically converted. With this acknowledgement the check will be sent to settlement in that evening.

Field ParameterValueRequiredField Values or Constraints
merchantID 123456REQUIRED6 / 6 All Numeric, 0-9 (no special characters or alpha allowed)
trxID AA-bb-1234567890REQUIREDThis is the same ID from your post request 4 / 20 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 - (dash))
trxRefID 987658254REQUIRED15 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
achRefID 1234567890123REQUIRED15 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
integratorID xYzAbC123REQUIRED4 / 30 Alphanumeric, space and dash
	"merchantID": "123456",
	"trxID": "AA-bb-1234567890",
	"trxRefID": "5050000000008",
	"achRefID": "72755512",
	"integratorID": "xYzAbC123"

Successful Sale Acknowledgement -HTTPS 200

  • Responses Response Fields Grouped here
Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxID AA-bb-1234567890This is the same ID from your post request 4 / 20 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 - (dash))
trxRefID 727555121215 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
achRefID   1234567815 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
	"trxID": "AA-bb-1234567890",
	"trxRefID": "5050000000008",
	"achRefID": "72755512",

Decline or Corrective Action – HTTPS 400 and HTTPS 500

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
errorPath  /check/retail/123456789Max 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorMessage  Errors in Inquiry Message to CertegyMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDetailsCertain required information or data elements were missing from the request. Reattempt the transaction.Max 260 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorType   edit_errorMax 20 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate   06-25-2020 03:18:19DATE/TIME
trxID  12345678904 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
trxRefID   580401000004110 / 15 Numeric only, 0-9
returnCode 01154 Min / Max Nummeric only
adverseActionFalseboolean - true/false
stationNum 123456789010 Min / Max Numeric only
	"errors": [{
		"errorPath": "/check/retail/123456789",
		"errorMessage": "Errors in Inquiry Message to Certegy",
		"errorDetails": "Certain required information or data elements were missing from the request. Reattempt the transaction.",
		"errorType": "edit_error",
		"errorDate": "2020-04-08T09:54:55.33Z",
		"trxID": "1234567890",
		"trxRefID": "5804010000041",
		"returnCode": "0115",
		"adverseAction": "false",
		"stationNum": "1234567890"

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