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  4. Retail Void

Retail Void

Retail Voids, if the ACH request needs to be deleted, it must occur prior to settlement. Consumer driven voids are voids that the consumer has the ability to decline the terms and must have the ability to remove the transaction and return the items or pay another way.

The void transaction is a delete request so this is sent as a URI

Field ParameterValueRequiredField Values or Constraints
merchantID  123456REQUIRED6 / 6 All Numeric, 0-9 (no special characters or alpha allowed)
trxID AA-bb-1234567890REQUIREDThis is the same ID from your post request 4 / 20 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 - (dash))
trxRefID  7275551212REQUIRED15 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
achRefID  12345678REQUIRED15 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
netAmount  19.55REQUIRED3 / 10 Decimal (10,2) Max Length - 10 Maximum value allowed is 42,949,672.95
integratorID xYzAbC123REQUIRED4 / 30 Alphanumeric, space and dash{Consumer Token}

Successful Void – HTTPS 200

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxID AA-bb-1234567890This is the same ID from your post request 4 / 20 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 - (dash))
trxRefID   505000000000815 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
achRefID   1234567890123415 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
	"trxID": "AA-bb-1234567890",
	"trxRefID": "5050000000008",
	"achRefID": "12345678901234 "

Decline or Error Response – HTTP 400 and HTTP 500

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
errorPath/check/retail/5050000000009 (Reference #)Max 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorMessage transaction not confirmedMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDetails The transaction's confirmation was attempted, but the dollar amount and reference number do not match the original authorization. Check the confirmation details and reattempt. If the issue persists, contact the Certegy Help Desk at phone number.Max 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorType declinedMax 20 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate 06-25-2020 03:18:19DATE/TIME
trxIDAA-bb-1234567890This is the same ID from your post request 4 / 20 Alphanumeric and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 - (dash))
trxRefID  505000000000915 digits max Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
responseCode 01150-9
adverseActionfalseboolean true/false
1065025600106502560010 / 10 Numeric only
	"errors": [{
		"errorPath": "/check/retail/5050000000009",
		"errorMessage": "transaction not confirmed",
		"errorDetails": "The client's account information does not exist or has been deactivated in Certegy's system. Re-attempt the transaction. If the issue persists, contact Certegy Client Relations at phone number",
		"errorType": "decline",
		"errorDate": "06-25-2020 03:18:19",
		"trxID": "AA-bb-1234567890",
		"trxRefID": "5050000000009",
		"responseCode": "0133",
		"adverseAction": "false",
		"stationNum": "1234567890"

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