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  3. Private: Kiosk eCheck
  4. Disassociated Persons (DAP)

Disassociated Persons (DAP)

Add or Delete information in the self reporting DisAssociated Persons Table

The Disassociated Persons list is for problem gamblers. This provides gamblers with a method to acknowledge that they have a problem with gambling and enable them to take personal responsibility by adding their name via this call out. This would inhibit the individual to ACH funds from their bank account via CashLine’s eCheck product. They can add or delete their personal information into the CashLine’s DAP gaming product. This call out can be added by the “block level” where at this time the levels are casino and property level. The consumer can be added and can use either their Identification.

Field ParameterValueRequired or OptionalField Values or Constraints
123456REQUIRED4 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID5604490000014REQUIRED4 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
operatorID xxx123OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric, Spaces and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 $#@._ )
terminalID Terminal321OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric, Spaces and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 $#@._ )
terminalGrpID  grp321OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric, Spaces and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 $#@._ )
ssn 999999999OPTIONAL9 digits/Numeric only. No dashes or spaces.
blockLevel  Casino or PropertyOPTIONALtwo options Casino or Property
firstName  firstnameREQUIREDFirst name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
lastName  lastnameREQUIREDLast name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
idCode FLREQUIRED2 / 2 See State Code List
idValue  123458REQUIREDAlphanumeric and Asterisks (*) Only. Dashes or spaces, if entered, will be stripped out. Max Length - 24 Alphabetic characters. This variable-size field contains the Driver's License number for manual entry methods. Asterisks are acceptable characters. However, other special characters such as dashes and spaces appearing on the face of the license should not be manually entered or transmitted.
	"merchantID": "123456",
	"trxID": "1234567890",
	"integratorID": "xYzAbC123",
	"operatorID": "xxx123",
	"terminalID": "Terminal321",
	"terminalGrpID": "grp321",
	"dob": "yyyy-mm-dd",
	"ssn": "999999999",
	"blockLevel": "Casino or Property",
	"firstName": "Johnny",
	"lastName": "Rocket",
	"idCode": "GA",
	"idValue": "123458"

Successful Add to DAP

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
operatorID 123456782 / 30 Alphanumeric, Spaces and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 $#@._ )
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
firstName  firstnameFirst name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
lastName  lastnameLast name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
ssn9999Last four digits of SSN
idCode FL2 / 2 See State Code List
idValueLastFour  34584 digits returned
	"operatorID": "xxx123",
	"firstName": "Johnny",
	"lastName": "Rocket",
	"ssn": "9999",
	"id": {
		"idState": "GA",
		"idValueLastFour": "3458"

Unsuccessful add to DAP

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
errorPath   /dapMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorMessage   The ID already exists on DAPMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorType   system_errorMax 20 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate   06-25-2020 03:18:19DATE/TIME
adverseAction  False(boolean) true/false (lowercase only)
	"errors": [{
		"errorPath": "/dap",
		"errorMessage": "The ID already exists on DAP",
		"errorType": "system_error",
		"errorDate": "06-25-2020 03:18:19",
		"adverseAction": "false"

Delete Consumer’s information for the DAP file

Field ParameterValueRequired or OptionalField Values or Constraints
trxID123456REQUIRED4 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID5604490000014REQUIRED4 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
operatorID xxx123OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric, Spaces and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 $#@._ )
terminalID  Terminal321OPTIONAL2 / 30 Alphanumeric, Spaces and dash (a-z A-Z 0-9 $#@._ )
firstName  firstnameREQUIREDFirst name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
lastName  lastnameREQUIREDLast name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
idCode  FLREQUIRED2 / 2 See State Code List
idValue  123458REQUIREDAlphanumeric and Asterisks (*) Only. Dashes or spaces, if entered, will be stripped out. Max Length - 24 Alphabetic characters. This variable-size field contains the Driver's License number for manual entry methods. Asterisks are acceptable characters. However, other special characters such as dashes and spaces appearing on the face of the license should not be manually entered or transmitted.

Successful ID removal from DAP

If you get this, you can assume that you were added to DAP. Since there is really nothing here indicating a successful add.

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
firstNamefirstnameFirst name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
lastNamelastnameLast name.
Allowable characters:
a to z (lowercase alphabet)
A to Z (uppercase alphabet)
0 to 9 (numeric digits)
hyphen (-)
dot (.)
comma (,)
space character ( )
tab character
Minimum Characters: 2
Maximum Characters: 25
ssnLastFour12344 digit returned
idCode  FL2 / 2 See State Code List
idValueLastFour  34584 digit returned
	"id": {
		"idState": "GA",
		"idValueLastFour": "3458"

Unsuccessful Add to DAP

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxID1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
errorPath  /dapMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDetails  Errors in request Message to CertegyMax 260 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorMessage   Invalid or Inactive Setup Client AccountMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorType   system_errorMax 20 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate   06-25-2020 03:18:19DATE/TIME
adverseAction  False(boolean) true/false (lowercase only)

	"errors": [{
		"errorPath": "/dap",
		"errorMessage": "Invalid or Inactive Setup Client Account",
		"errorType": "system_error",
		"errorDate": "06-15-2020 03:18:19",
		"adverseAction": "false"

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