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  3. Private: Kiosk eCheck
  4. Kiosk Consumer Limit Request

Kiosk Consumer Limit Request

The Get Consumer’s Limit endpoint where the consumerToken is passed in the URL and the only parameter is the MerchantID, the consumerToken is supplied in the response to the Get Consumer Request. If consumer is not enrolled, then an Enrollment transaction would be submitted after the consumer reads and accepts the Terms and Conditions and the acceptedTermsInd field can be set to “Y” (yes) indicating that the consumer has agreed to the terms and conditions and that they have been accepted.

Field ParameterValueRequired or OptionalField Values or Constraints
1b597b33-a0e7-11ea-9630-ef55d2cd0f41REQUIREDMax 60 Alphanumeric and dash
trxID123456REQUIRED 4 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years){consumerToken}{merchantID}

Consumer’s Limit Approve – HTTPS 200

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
trxID 1234564 / 20 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash) (Must be Unique for 2 years)
trxRefID56044900000144 / 36 Alphanumeric, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - (dash)
cashLineLimit  500No Min/(Max) 9999999.99 Numeric only - No commas. If the decimal point is omitted, the amount is considered to be in whole dollars.
cashLineAvailable  500No Min/(Max) 9999999.99 Numeric only No commas
cashLineRefillAmount  250No Min/(Max) 9999999.99 Numeric only No commas
cashLineRefillDate   06-25-2071 03:18:19Future DATE/TIME

	"cashLineLimit": "150.00",
	"cashLineAvailable": "145.00",
	"cashLineRefillAmount": "5.00",
	"cashLineRefillDate": "06-25-2071 03:18:19"

Consumer’s Limit Error/Decline Response – HTTPS 400 and HTTPS 500

Field ParameterValueField Values or Constraints
errorPath /kiosk/customer/limit/consumerTokenMax 200 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorMessage Limit Increase attempt is failed because it is within 14 daysMax 260 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorType system_errorMax 20 Alpha only a-z, A-Z
errorDate   06-25-2020 03:18:19DATE/TIME
adverseAction false(boolean) true/false (lowercase only)

	"errors": [{
		"errorPath": "/kiosk/customer/limit/f949fd27-b48f-11ea-9d2a-73abd555fe15",
		"errorMessage": "Declined (Over CashLine Limit)",
		"errorType": "Limit Increase attempt is failed because it is within 14 days",
		"errorDate": "06-15-2020 14:15:02",
		"adverseAction": "false"

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